Sunday, September 6, 2009

Drain Your Hot Water Heater

At least once a year, if you have a standard water heater you need to drain it to get rid of the dirt and sediment that collects in the bottom of the tank. Not only will it make your water heater last years longer, but your water heater will run more efficiently (saving you money).

--shut off the power to your water heater at the electric breaker panel
--turn off the cold water running to your tank
--at the bottom of the tank is a stem which will attach to your garden hose; attach one end of the hose to this stem, and run the other end of the hose outside of your house (away from the foundation)
--go to your kitchen and turn on the hot water and keep it running
--open the drain valve at the bottom of the tank
--go outside and look at the water coming out of the hose; it will start off very brown in color; once the water turn to clear again, go back inside and close the drain valve
--turn off the hot water in your kitchen sink
--turn the cold water valve back on at the top of the water heater
--wait a few minutes until the water tank has filled back up with water (you will hear it filling)
--turn the electricity to the water heater back on at the main electric panel
--remove the hose

It's a good idea to keep a small bucket at the bottom of the water heater where you had attached the hose. If your water heater builds up too much pressure, it will automatically let a little water out. Keep an eye on the bucket every week or so. If it's filling up with alot of water, your heat is set too high (this happens in alot of places that have very high water pressure).

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